Thursday, August 28, 2014

Right Brain Home Practice Preparation

Almost few month didn't really practice with AR. We have been sending him to Shichida since one year ago, I'm feeling guilty that didn't do home practice with him such a long time. Making new flashcards every weeks really killing me since I need to do cooking and household chores and ... at the same time prepare materials for AR... I rather said not enough rest than not enough time, so I took some time off meaning not pushing myself making materials or searching new materials... Of course, household chores still a must, cannot run away.  Giving myself a break, just do what i want to do when i feel like it. Never set a time for myself to complete a task. 

After a long break, I finally came up with an idea for right brain home practice. I prepared 5 paper file folders like I showed in the picture later. Initially I bought plastic file folder but it didn't fit in the materials. Oh... Lucky I have some paper file folders with me ( I use paper file folder for AR lapbooks). Why I need five? It is for Monday till Friday only, so I no need to crack my head and change everyday. I just need to change materials every Sunday night. 

The materials that I put for each folder:
  1. eye training, I make 5 different pattern and laminated it.
  2. photographic memory including instant memory, random memory and space memory. 

The materials in the folder can be rotate and use for a month than only change new materials so that the children won't get bored easily. Flashcards always inside a container and if I make new one will just slot in the new one and take out the old theme. Will share with you all more details in next post. 

Have a good day!

Monday, August 25, 2014

First time making the "POP" sound

It was already 9.30 p.m. AR still awake. Recently he changes his sleeping habit so that he can play with daddy at night.  Oh... It means I getting less time to do my things because I will fall asleep mostly 95% together with AR. I have millions of things to be complete... A bit exaggerate here... Honestly, all the things I planned haven't started or started but never finished or just merely a plan in my mind.

Let get back to the story, we were reading book before bedtime, again was 'The Little Princess Story' "I want my mum". While I was reading the book, I noticed he put his index finger in the mouth. I was curious and asked him why, he just smile and suddenly a "POP" sound was heard. The sound was created by him, WOW!!!! And seriously better than me,I'm not trying to boast here. The "POP" was make by putting the index finger inside the mouth and the mouth has to be wet and tight by making it as "oval" shape. Then pull the finger out. That is how the sound the sound was make. 

How he learned that? It all started from my hubby. Few month ago, my hubby started to make the funny "POP" sound in front of AR. It really attracted him and make him laugh non-stop. After that, my hubby was asked to make the "POP" sound every night before we sleep. We had great fun making and learning to make the "POP" sound. I learned too but not always success and quite painful when I tried to make the sound. AR tried to learn too. 

Slowly the fun moment of making "POP" sound phased out, and then AR suddenly make the "POP" sound. We all surprised and couldn't believe that he still trying. Love you our dear boy, we love you that you always has the spirit of not giving up easily since baby. We are proud of you and we know you proud of yourself too. Love you always dear AR.